Over the past number of years, companies across Ireland have become committed to improving their IT approach. This has led to an increased demand for IT talent in virtually every industry. However, Ireland continues to lack a wealth of home-grown talent that businesses can rely on for crucial IT skills. Therefore, job seekers with a variety of IT skills from different regions have found the Irish job market to be enticing. Below we’ll be taking a look at some of the IT skills in demand in Ireland.
As the role of the internet continues to expand, there is a greater need for those who have skills in cybersecurity. Businesses need skilled IT technicians to secure their networks and help with other aspects of IT security, such as digital forensics, which can help businesses to identify technological threats from within and outside their businesses.
Big Data
Businesses in all sectors, from finance to manufacturing, are concerned with leveraging Big Data to their advantage. This means that there is a variety of opportunities available to those who possess a high degree of analytical skills. Companies are also looking for IT professionals who have expertise and familiarity with servers and IT Infrastructure.
Mobile Application Development
The market for mobile application development is particularly lucrative in Ireland because there is a dearth of individuals who possess expertise and familiarity with the native programming languages of Android and iOS development environments. There is also a need for mobile application developers who are skilled in non-native programming environments.
Web Development
Businesses throughout the country are looking for ways to maximise their online presence and therefore require skilled Web Developers. They need people with strong HTML/CSS skills and experience with Java. However, there is also many businesses that are simply looking for Web Developers who are skilled in platforms like WordPress.
Programming Skills
Many companies have a need for individuals who are skilled in various programming languages, from Python to Java for example. No matter which programming languages you may be familiar with, there is a need for your skills in Irish companies.
Reperio can help you find your next job
This is just some of the IT skills in demand in Ireland. Here at Reperio, our team specialise in placing IT professionals in their next position. If you’re having trouble finding a career opportunity that matches your skill set, get in touch on +353 1 571 3000. We can help you to find a position that maximises and rewards your IT skills.