People working at desks in an office

Well done, you did it! All your hard work has finally paid off and you are ready to begin your new job. This can be a daunting time while you find your feet in the first few weeks but we are here to help!

We have compiled a few simple tips to help you succeed in your new job. 

1. Introduce Yourself

Introducing yourself to colleagues doesn't always have to be a formal process. It could simply be talking to colleagues in the communal kitchen on your lunch break. Not only will this let people know who you are, it will also show that you are proactive in getting to know your colleagues and allow you to get a better feel for the culture of the company.  

2. Find a Mentor

When you’re making your introductions, seek out one of the more senior members and start building a relationship with them. Listening to what they have to say and accepting any advice they give will help you get up to speed quickly. As you progress down the line, this mentor can become someone that you will be able to bounce ideas off and someone who can give you tips to help you achieve your goals.

3. Be Proactive

You want to be able to prove that you have initiative and it wasn’t just a buzzword you used during the interview process. Having a mentor is great for helping you succeed, but you shouldn't rely on them too much. Try to think of things that you can do yourself to show that you’re willing to go the extra mile. 

4. Prioritise

When beginning a new job, you will likely be learning a lot of new words, processes, and technology. This may cause information overload unless you take the time to prioritise. Therefore, it may be useful to create a list of the tasks that need to be completed and the key things you need to remember. 

5. Define Success

Within your first few weeks, you should schedule a meeting with your new manager. Take some time with them to clarify your mutual expectations, which might include how you will work together, the resources needed to do your job well and how your performance will be assessed. 

6. Ask for Feedback

It is important within the first few months to receive feedback on your current progress. This will help iron out any bad habits that may be starting to form and is the perfect way to make sure that you and your manager are on the same page. 

7. Learn How to Use the Coffee Machine

This may sound simple, but trust us, no one wants to be ‘that guy’ leaving the coffee pot empty for your colleagues. 

If you would like help securing your next IT job, our consultants would be happy to help. You can browse our jobs page for the roles we currently have on offer or get in contact!