Day off marked on a calender

A survey, commissioned by Airline British Airways with YouGov, discovered that 50% of UK working adults do not take their full annual leave allocation. 

Of those surveyed, 42% stated they felt stressed about working whilst on annual leave and 48% reported they felt obliged to check work emails. Nearly half reported working whilst on leave.

Managers may believe that if their staff aren’t taking their annual leave, it is beneficial to them and the firm. After all, they’ll be onsite, continuing with their projects, removing the need to worry about cover, handing over work or missing deadlines. Surely this will increase productivity and output? Incorrect.

Below are 6 reasons why you should be encouraging your staff to make use of their full annual leave allowance.

Increased Productivity

Taking a break from work allows employees to rest and recharge, significantly enhancing their productivity and creativity. When employees return from vacation, they often bring fresh perspectives and renewed energy that can lead to innovative solutions and improved performance.

Improved Mental Wellbeing

Continuous work without breaks can lead to burnout, stress, and other mental health issues. Annual leave allows employees to relax, reduce stress, and focus on their well-being. This break is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and ensuring long-term mental health.

Healthy Workplace Culture

When employees see that their company values their need for rest and personal time, it builds a supportive and respectful environment. Managers who encourage time off demonstrate that work-life balance is a priority, which can transform the workplace into a more positive and motivating space for everyone

Improved Job Satisfaction

Encouraging employees to take their annual leave demonstrates that you value their well-being and respect their need for personal time. Employees who feel supported are more likely to remain committed and motivated in their roles.

Reduced Absenteeism

Regularly using annual leave can prevent employees from feeling overwhelmed and reduce the likelihood of stress-related illnesses, which in turn decreases the rates of absenteeism. Healthy, well-rested employees are less likely to need unexpected sick days.

Boost Retention

When employees feel that their well-being is a priority, they are more likely to remain with the company long-term. High retention rates reduce the costs and disruptions associated with turnover and recruitment. A company known for valuing its employees' work-life balance is also more attractive to potential hires, helping to bring in top talent.


(Written By Elise Ralph)